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What are Poppers?

What are Poppers?

Here at Prowler Poppers, in this in-depth guide, we are answering popular questions including, ‘what are poppers?’ and ‘how are they used?’ We will also be delving into their history and providing you with further information on effects, usage an safety.

What are Poppers?

Commonly referred to as room aromas, room odourisers and leather cleaners, poppers are actually a slang term for a range of chemicals called alkyl nitrites which have grown in popularity over the years due to the euphoric and aroused effect they can give you.

It’s for these reasons and many others that poppers have become popular amongst recreational drug users, in particular with gay men. Poppers are normally used as inhalants, either straight from the bottle in which they come or from an absorbent material such as cloth. Although this is how many users ingest them, at Prowler Poppers we never recommend this and encourage users to be safe and only use them as they are intended.

The History of Poppers

Way back before the parties, late nights out and recreational use of poppers started, there was once a time when poppers were used for medicinal purposes. In fact, poppers, or rather, amyl nitrite, was first synthesized in 1844 by a French chemist named Antonie Jerome Balard.

The medicinal benefits of poppers first came about when Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, a Scottish physician, documented its clinical use to treat angina pectoris in 1867. The conclusion was that the pain and discomfort suffered by individuals with angina could be treated via the administration of amyl nitrite, as this would dilate the coronary arteries and consequently improve the individual’s blood flow to the heart.

In the late 19th century, amyl nitrates were enclosed in glass-mesh “pearls.” Users would often crush these pearls between their fingers and then inhale the vapors for their effects—a process that seems to be the origin of the term “poppers.” Amyl nitrites were also administered through silk that covered the capsules. It was found that both amyl nitrites and butyl nitrites had similar effects on users, but propyl nitrites never gained popularity as a clinical drug.

20th Century – The Poppers Craze

Fast forward to 1964 and the first ever documented case of the recreational use of poppers was discovered. In fact, during the early 1970s the poppers ‘craze’ took off amongst the gay male community within bars, nightclubs, and bathhouses. It was packaged and sold pharmaceutically in fragile glass ampoules wrapped in cloth sleeves. When the ampoule was crushed or “popped” in the fingers, it released the amyl nitrite for inhalation, which isn’t something we recommend here at Prowler Poppers.

These days, poppers come in many different shapes and sizes and there are many popular brands that are sold online, however, these are sold under such names as room aromas, room odourisers and leather cleaners.

What do Poppers do? Effects and Side Effects

Just like any other substance, there are various effects and side effects of poppers, many of these happen almost instantaneously, with the effects producing a rush of warm sensations and feelings of dizziness.

It’s also not uncommon to experience some headaches, although this can depend on the quality of the product. Higher quality products such as Pentyl and DoubleScorpio significantly reduce these.

Perhaps the main reason poppers are used recreationally is due to the feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and an increased sex drive that they give. These effects are caused by poppers being vasodilators; they relax blood vessels in the brain and other parts of the body, causing a drop in blood pressure and increasing blood flow to the brain.

Of course, the other primary reason poppers are used is because they can facilitate anal sex; this is because they help relax the anal muscles.

Effects of Poppers

  • Vasodilation (widening of blood vessels as a result of the relaxation of the blood vessel’s muscular walls)
  • Tachycardia (racing heart, more than 100 times per minute)
  • Relaxation of the anal muscle
  • Reduced blood pressure levels
  • Euphoria and increased sex drive

Side Effects of Poppers

  • Headaches
  • Increased Intraocular pressure
  • Skin lesions around the nose or lips
  • Sinusitis
  • Nausea

How Long do Poppers Last?

Poppers can start to take effect after about 15 seconds and last up to 3 minutes, although this can depend on a few factors such as the potency of the product, how much you’ve taken, and the size and experience of the user.

In terms of how long the actual bottle of poppers lasts, most will last for 1-3 months after being opened, however, there is some variation from brand to brand. If you want your poppers to last as long as possible, you should ensure they are sealed and stored in a cool dry place, otherwise, they will go off within a few hours if the bottle is left open.

What are Poppers used for sexually?

Poppers have been used as a sex aid since the 1970s, due to the effects it has on libido and the relaxation it creates in the anal muscle, which makes it easier for people to engage in sex; this makes it very popular amongst the gay community. Additionally, some users report experiencing stronger erections and more intense orgasms.

Although poppers may make sex more pleasurable, they can also drastically lower inhibition, which can make unsafe sex more likely. It’s always important to stay safe and ensure you are taking the necessary precautions and only take poppers as they are intended.


Can you get Addicted to Poppers?

Whilst there is very limited evidence to suggest that poppers are addictive, it’s not uncommon for frequent users to develop a tolerance, which may cause some negative and potentially dangerous side effects.

It’s important to remember that while many people use poppers in fun ways and don’t have any negative issues, poppers aren’t safe for everyone. Poppers have been linked to dangerous side effects in both short and long-term users so you should always take the utmost care and precaution.

For more information on poppers and addiction, please visit Talk to Frank.

Where to Buy Poppers

If you’re after a wider selection of quality brands at cheaper prices, then buying UK poppers online is the best option.

Two online stores we recommend are:

Best Poppers

As there are so many different brands on the market, knowing which poppers are best can be difficult to figure out. Additionally, every user is also different, which means some may have personal preferences. The only way to find out which brand is actually the best is to test them all yourself and see which one gives you the best experience.

With that being said, simply looking at a few reviews can give you a good indication of which products are the most popular. The quality of the popper is one of the most important things, as this will ensure any side effects are kept to a minimum.

Below we have curated a list of some of our best-selling poppers:


The Laws on Poppers

Poppers are legal to sell, but only as products not for human consumption. These products must not be sold to persons under the age of 18.

In fact, the UK government and the Home Office uses the word ‘poppers’ when referring to this type of alkyl nitrite and specifically isopropyl nitrite products as can be seen in a letter wrote to the ACMD confirming that the product is legal in the UK and not to be included in the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, quote Karen Bradely MP, “Your assessment of the harms of “poppers” including the latest formulation isopropyl nitrite, will no doubt inform the regulatory authorities responsible for the General Products Safety Regulations 2005.”.

Safety Information

Our poppers are aromas or room odourisers only and are not for direct inhalation! This product is sometimes used as a leather cleaner also and in such cases should be used for the treatment of leather products only and end use is as leather cleaner only, not for direct inhalation!

All our poppers style aromas are UK legal Alkyl Nitrites sold in the correct child-proof and tamper-evident bottles. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES.

Contains Alkyl Nitrites Flammable. Do not use near fire or flame Eye irritants. For eye contact flush with water. Harmful if swallowed. If swallowed, drink two glasses of milk or water, induce vomiting, and call a physician. Avoid contact with skin. Do not inhale contents directly from the bottle. This product is classified in accordance with 67/548/EEC

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